Studio B
Ideal for smaller groups, Studio B features a 32-input API 3288 console with an intimate tracking space, clear sight lines, and acoustics by Tom Hidley.

API 3288 32-input console
API EQ's 550a, 550a-1, 550b, 553, 554, 560, 560b
525 compressors (x2)
Pro Tools Ultimate
Apogee Symphony MkII 32x32
Ampex MM1200 with 2" 24 & 16 track headstacks and 1" 8 tracks headstacks
Dolby A/SR noise reduction, 24ch
Teletronix LA-2A
API 2500 Bus Compressor
UREI 1176LN Rev F(x2)
UREI 1178
Tube-Tech CL1B*
UREI LA-4 (x2)
DBX 160VU (x2)
DBX 160X (x2)
Empirical Labs Distressor EL8X
Lexicon 480L Digital Reverb and Effects
Sierra-Hidley (Westlake) mains
Yamaha NS-10M Studio
Auratone 5C
Bryston, SAE, and Yamaha amplification
Krakauer Bros Upright Piano
Rhodes Mark II (1980s era)
Roland Juno 88
Fatar Studio 90
The microphone selection is shared between both Studio A & Studio B.
A selection of amplifiers and instruments are also available for use in either room.